B2B Lead Generation

Generate more qualified leads leveraging our
AI Platform + Human Intelligence.

InfoAnalytica provides a unique “white glove” like service to provide highly segmented and targeted lead generation meeting your Ideal Customer Profile.

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Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing
Your ABM strategy is to focus your marketing campaigns on reaching your key accounts or companies. We use the following 2-step approach to support your ABM Strategy - Audience building and Outreach.
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Audience Segmentation

Our data profiling model leverages information about buyer intent, website profile, technographic & firmographic data, and other digital footprints to identify high-fit accounts
Identify existing customer profiling data, analyze your Ideal customer profile (ICP)
Using deep segmentation and ICP, we hand pick your audience for ABM
Build look-alike audience, based on existing customers

Nurture and Engage

Target your ABM audience with human led outreach
Run targeted outreach campaigns like content syndication, event registrations, BANT campaigns, etc. to generate MQLs & SQLs with higher conversion
Pay-for-performance model guarantees lead being valid, tele-verified, qualified, and in-market with intent
Net-new customer acquisition

Net-new customer acquisition

Net-new customer acquisition
The foundation of your B2B lead generation program becomes weak if your underlying data is inaccurate and not qualified.

Discover and Engage

Company and Contact personas are identified using our managed services team using high-quality B2B data enabling you to create a solid foundation that drives net-new B2B leads and effective marketing campaigns
Use multi-channel marketing approach with identified prospect personas, to produce high-quality leads at scale - all the way from top-of-funnel to MQLs to SQLs'

Near Real-time Inbound Lead Management

Problem statement: Using third party automated platforms for real-time high volume inbound lead management including validation and routing, you can achieve only 50% to 70% accuracy, resulting in missed opportunities

Want to see how InfoAnalytica’s Near Realtime 24×7 Managed services team using a Hybrid approach (Automation + Humans) can help increase lead conversion by >30%, and capture >99% Qualified Leads

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Validate, qualify, score and route all inbound leads in your CRM or marketing platform using our 24*7 managed services team
Minimize missed opportunities by using our human auditing and process, customized for your use-case
Discard junk leads that are not valid or relevant, thus improving productivity
Cut down time to market by implementing on-the-fly process changes in lead segmentation, scoring, routing, by simply updating project SOP

Why infoAnalytica?

  1. High Quality B2B Lead Qualification process powered by machine learning and human auditing.
  2. Lead prioritization leveraging AI models based on external third-party data points.
  3. Increase your lead quality and penetration using our 24*7 managed services.
  4. Only push leads with true intent down the funnel using our human led process.
  5. Constantly provide high quality MQLs and SQLs that convert to your sales team.
  6. Using our personalized outreach get better response rates from the qualified leads provided to your team.

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