Less Prospecting and more Selling

InfoAnalytica’s Sales Intelligence platform along with human research “white glove” like service enables you to identify in-market prospects and decision maker contacts that are hand-picked for your sales team for outreach.

Request Leads
Build Pipeline

Build Pipeline

Build pipeline faster with target account lists that match your ideal customer profile. Find your best target accounts by Geo and Industry. Get the right account firmographics and contacts including job function and verified contact info with direct emails and direct dials.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)

Warm your leads for Sales. Scalable outbound calling to drive leads down the funnel by lead warming, identifying intent, offer trials, appointment setting, etc.

<p>Your sales team is unable to connect with the decision makers?</p>
<p>We can provide tele-verified leads guaranteeing Company is valid, relevant and in-market, and Contact person is valid and available on the phone number provided. Thus, increasing sales productivity and conversions.</p>

Tele-verified Leads

Your sales team is unable to connect with the decision makers?

We can provide tele-verified leads guaranteeing Company is valid, relevant and in-market, and Contact person is valid and available on the phone number provided. Thus, increasing sales productivity and conversions.

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment through our advanced data enrichment model.

Bad data ruins your marketing and sales database and results in low conversions.

<p>Your sales team is unable to connect with the decision makers?</p>
<p>We can provide tele-verified leads guaranteeing Company is valid, relevant and in-market, and Contact person is valid and available on the phone number provided. Thus, increasing sales productivity and conversions.</p>

Why infoAnalytica?

High Quality B2B database with 75M+ contacts and hundreds of attributes, powered by machine learning and human auditing.
Enrich Company firmographics/hierarchy, Contact information, and additional third-party data points for co-relation.
Increase your sales database match-rate and penetration using our proprietary technology and managed services.
Track your champion customers. Identify contacts that have left the company, and track where they are now
Add net-new contacts with relevant titles for existing accounts
Add replacement contact where contact/title has left the company
Freemail email mapping to corporate account information

Get In Touch

Reach out with questions, inquiries, feedback, or just to say hello.

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